27 May 2011

Kesinambungan... Aku dan Dia

Name nie dia yang gabung kan...sweet sgt... mase nie die krusus dekat pulau perhentian.. I LOVE U ed...

Cinta hatiku.... (PART 2)

Process Kenal hati budi....

Firstly, aku juz kawan2 je dgn die n kami hang out together...*sesi pengenalan*
Our first place date dekat pyramid we meet dkt 1 place and pegi sesame *time tu aku x bg tau lg rumah aku kat mana*

Then, 2nd date...aku dan die (include his friend) pegi horey2 dekat sunway lagoon.. 1st time keluar dgn lelaki pegi tempat2 cmtu...hehe *malu*

Mandi sungai gabai...fuhhhh....aku xpenah pegi mandi sungai dgn kawan2..nie la 1st time aku kua dgn die (include his friends) g picnic kat sg gabai...interesting sgt....

Then, our relation going very smooth...Dinner, watch movie n window shopping..(venue pyramid je..every week kat citu *boring gak*) haha...

And for new year...my friends n his friends planning to celebrate New Year dkt Melaka A famosa....
Aku n die join sekali...wehooo very cool vacation la..sbb aku n die spend time together for long journey... padahal 2 hour je frm KL to Melaka...

After beramah mesra.....

Aku mula rase sayang dekat die...bile aku tgk muka die..aku rase happy sgt...
Kami pn memilih date for declare our relationship from friend to serious relations ....

Lame gak la..we all think about serius relation nie...
Aku tunggu dengan penuh kesabaran...
Finally, dengan ketabahan aku....we all declare as a couple... *yeayy happy*
Aku bwk die jumpe my parents... so far, parents aku ok je..*sporting* (n first time gak aku wk sorg lelaki (bf) jumpe parents aku) lega ok! 

Serba sedik kisah Aku dan Dia yang dapat aku share!!.... Peace

*Hope our relationship nie bukan la utk sementara waktu* Doa kan kami kekal selama-lamanya *Amin*

Aku sangat menyanyangi die n akan berada di sisi die dlm keadaan susah n senang....(*jgn lupe solat jugak eik*) hee...

Love u sayang......

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